Partial nephrectomy versus radical nephrectomy for kidney cancer
Rakesh Heer Rakesh Heer

Partial nephrectomy versus radical nephrectomy for kidney cancer

Partial nephrectomy and radical nephrectomy are the relevant surgical therapy options for localised renal cell carcinoma. However, debate regarding the effects of these surgical approaches continues and it is important to identify and summarise high‐quality studies to make surgical treatment recommendations.

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Overcoming inefficient primary culture of human prostate organoids and xenografts 
Rakesh Heer Rakesh Heer

Overcoming inefficient primary culture of human prostate organoids and xenografts 

Primary culture of human prostate organoids and patient-derived xenografts is inefficient and has limited access to clinical tissues. This hampers their use for translational study to identify new treatments. To overcome this, we established a complementary approach where rapidly proliferating and easily handled induced pluripotent stem cells enabled the generation of human prostate tissue in vivo and in vitro.

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